DAY7: freedom

Today I'm choosing to be thankful for FREEDOM. I've recently realized that I do not want to be caged or tied down in any form just yet; this being related to career, and life in general. The only thing that I am holding on steadfastly to is the constant point in the swirling motion of my life.

I thank God for giving me the freedom to choose how to live my life.
I thank God for the freedom to choose any job to my liking
I thank God for the freedom to be who I want to be
I thank God for the freedom  to think whatever it is that I want to think
I thank God for the freedom to do what I want to do
I thank God for the freedom to write silly things
I thank God for the freedom to dream of happy endings and to shun away bad ones
I thank God for the freedom to love
I thank God for giving me the freedom to choose or not choose to follow him...

And I am sorry for straying away from my path and being a little bit stubborn at that.

But I thank Him for giving me the freedom to move around,
I thank God for giving me the freedom to make mistakes
I thank Him for catching me every time I do commit mistakes
And I thank God for giving me the freedom to get up and fly every time He catches me


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