The 30 day exercise. Day 01
It's been a while since I've been here. It's quite interesting to look back and see how the old me thought, and how much I still feel the same in some ways while also being different in others. I think I want to try and revive this space because I've been feeling a bit lonely and wanting someone to talk to at the end of the day. And since it's usually just me and my dog after long days at work or on weekends, I thought maybe I'd write it down instead of paying for a therapist. So, I'm currently at a crossroads. I think I know what to do for the next year, but I still don't know the answer to the "where" part of things at the moment. But more than that, I kind of want to assess where I'm at. I saw this Instagram reel (I know it's not the most reliable source, but it seems okay) about a 30-day exercise where I carve out 15 minutes of my day to answer three questions in a notebook. Instead of writing in a notebook, I'll write here inst...
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