March came too soon

Its been a while since I was back here. Probably more like a month or two already (see I even lost count). So here are some quick updates for you friends and friend-wannabees on what is up on me lately.

I went to Dumaguete towards the end of January. Visited some delightfully love-sick friends and got mesmerized by the illustrious charm of the city of gentle people. I was even lucky enough to visit the Manjuyod sandbar, it was a successful misadventure.

Got really busy with the teaching stint. Prepared a lot of lessons, lectures, and facilitated a successful field trip! One that I am kinda proud of, because I have been really pushing myself to do it since I came back, and I kinda liked how it turned out. So yeah, teaching is doing me good. Giving me extra smiles, extra pounds (huhuhu! not good) and I should say its sort of cultivating an extra heart. (that should sound nice and sweet)

I got published. AGAIN. For the 4th time at the Philippine Daily Inquirer. It was a very pleasant Tuesday surprise, after a loong and tiring one because I have a 7am-4pm straight schedule during Tuesdays, after my last class, it was a joy when my mom texted that her officemate liked what I wrote on the paper. So I immediately ran to the library to check out the latest issue and when I saw the article, I sort off did that awkward dance and jump or whatever you call it eena-style because I was so happy that I saw my name and my ARTICLE again on the paper. Fame eludes me, so when it does come, I get really happy.

My tatay has been in and out of Compostella Valley to facilitate some community organizing endeavors for the victims of typhoon Pablo. They're still devastated after several months. So I have no choice but to take over the dog caring part of our chores. (tatay and me usually share that) I dutifully enjoy every morning (when I have the time) and every night  that I spend with the AWESOMEST askals and pusakals in the world. Dog-walking has been such a pleasure lately, I get to bond with my pets and enjoy the beautiful night sky of UPLB.

Yeah and lastly, I bother about mundane things. I am currently mad at the electric post they installed right in front of our house. I am really mad. But, I have to take smart actions while addressing that anger, so that it won't look like a silly girl was ranting about such mundane things.

March came too soon, I haven't even finished my scholarship applications, but its on its way. It should be on its way, or else I'll just sell fish ball and kikiam in the future. For now, I'll be busy checking/crossing/ doodling or whatever on white sheets of paper (aka dreaded examinations) and giving out dart board grades after that. (haha! kidding) Its gonna be a busy week ahead, more of the tedious part of teaching that I need to face.


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