Letting go... Moving on...

These past few days were horrible. It was a series of one disappointing response after the other.
These past few days were painful. It was yet again an experience of not getting what I want, not getting something that I wanted so badly and worked really hard for.
These past few days were awful. The eyes have suddenly become a bitter stream of water that no haircut or telling the self to stop could make it stop from flowing.
These past few days were hard because forgoing sad feelings in front of people is not easy. The pain is twice as hard when left alone.
These past few days were draining. It is hard to cry one's self to sleep every night and paste a smile in the morning.
These past few days were hurting. It is painful to slowly realize that one's hopes are sort of not happening any time soon.
These past few days were tiring. The throbbing pain that the heart feels drains ones strength more than the usual everyday activities.
These past few days were challenging. It is always easier to curl-up inside the shell of sadness; it takes real and hard effort to crawl out of it.

Google had a few suggestions when someone tried to type the phrase: "How to be happy". One thing that stuck inside one's stupid brain is to try and think of the little things that made it happy or the little things that one is thankful for. Here are some items that one is grateful for:

I have been one of the recipients of an anonymous letter. It was a nice Valentine Monday surprise.

A beautiful sunset with friends.

A teddy bear este a dog that looks like one.

And just to clear things out. This is not about any matters of the heart (love life or whatnot)--that's the least of one's worries as of now. Or so they say. This is yet again, about shattered dreams, hopes and expectations. Things that always break-up one's soul.
Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails 
At this point, I have yet again realized that submitting to God's plans is not as easy as I try to say it is.

I have been asking God why?
I have been asking God what have I done wrong?
I have been asking God is there anything wrong with me?
I have been asking God to freakishly send lightning down and hit me in the head.
I have been asking God to do something. Anything to make things better.
I have been asking God for a pleasant surprise. Anything to make the pain go away.
I have been asking God what are you up to now?
I have been asking God why did you let me go through ALL OF IT.

But the heart of God is beautiful, the heart of God is faithful, the Lord's purpose is always good, the Lord sees things more than what my little brain could understand. More than what my little brain could understand...


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