Looking Ahead

The last few months were VERY busy (still is actually); but these ideas need to be written down before they get clouded with the innumerable stuff that are going on in my life right now.

Not that there is actually anything going on going on lately... its just that I am terribly busy with the coursework for masters degree, a thesis proposal, a research paper that i volunteered in, a university position paper that i volunteered in also, an electrical plan, a utility application and an outdoor leadership camp that is coming in less than a month now. I am not able to focus on some actually.. but all these I need to do... My life currently revolves around these things... rather quite boring... or can be just too busy to accommodate much of social related events- especially romantic ones (which I never get anyway or maybe fail to notice.. whatever).

I was in the library (which I frequent often these days), trying to populate the reading list that will be crucial for the formulation of my thesis proposal and research paper when I had this eureka reflection moment of what I think I want to achieve or start at least in the next few years. Well, the next three years of my life is somehow planned out already because I still have a year for my study leave and two years for my payback contract both for the university and the scholarship giving body. I have stopped planning my life for too long because I've realized that it was too hurtful when my plans don't materialize. But, probably staying for another two years in the university won't hurt... Anyway, that's not important. 

With a thing or two that I've picked up from the education that I am currently getting.. I envision (hope to achieve) that in 4-5 years time, the graduates from the university that I will be going back to:

  1.  be competent in research (such that their undergraduate work can be publishable in legitimate publications) and programming software that are used in the industry (so that they won't feel as bobita as I do know in our lab.. they have to be competent..)    
  2. have industry perspective greater than the misguided one I used to have
  • to be able to know HOW TO  apply the theoretical knowledge into actual practice
  • to have a sense of applying the things learned from school to make better (or make an impact at least) the Philippines
  • ITS NOT JUST ABOUT THE MONEY... it is painful for me to realize this one... 

Anyway. That's just about it. Writing this down so that I won't forget.


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