The 30 day exercise. Day 03

 What filled me with enthusiasm today?

Besides my dog, it was caffeine and sugar that got me through the day. I decided to ditch the diet and treat myself to a second cup of coffee with sugar. It was so uncharacteristic of me, but it miraculously relieved my headache. I actually felt better after that caffeine and sugar kick. Could it be that the headaches are from low sugar?

What drained me of energy today?

Today was actually a bit better than yesterday. It’s still busy, with plenty of backlogs and distractions to deal with, but nothing out of the ordinary. If I had to pinpoint something that drained me or maybe just irked me today, it would be the pre-emptive questions and admin-related issues thrown my way. It was fine, just work. But what really got to me were the questions I might not have the answers to, though I definitely knew the reasons behind them asking. I was just pretending not to know their reasons

What did I learn about myself today?

I’ve made significant progress in holding back my responses and have become very good at not reacting to things I don’t want to tolerate.


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